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         G Co. 513th PIR

      17th Airborne Division





The purpose of this unit is to portray the fighting men of the 17th Airborne Division during World War II. To honor this division and the 513th Parachute Infantry Regiment, our authenticity in uniforms and equipment standards will be of the highest standard both in the field and in barracks. In the spirit of the Airborne, our physical standards are high to ensure safety, endurance, and the proper airborne image. These standards are not meant to deter prospective members, but to outline the expectations that we have of our membership. Only by creating and maintaining such high standards in uniform, equipment, appearance, and attitude can we respectfully represent veterans of the 513th Parachute Infantry Regiment and 17th Airborne Division.


The unit is a member of the World War II Historical Reenactment Society, (HRS) a tax-exempt, non-profit, non-political organization intended for those who wish to study and attempt to experience life in the worlds militaries during World War II. Our impressions are those of the combat soldier only; political motivations or activities are strictly forbidden in the HRS and in this unit.


Please visit the other pages of our website for additional information.

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